Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today @:  145.5 lbs.

Weight Loss for the week:  1.5 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  24.5 lbs.

    Another good weigh-in.  I have to tell you I'm really enjoying seeing the progress I've made.  Looking in the mirror isn't a painful struggle anymore.  There is still room for improvement of course, but my journey isn't finished yet so I'm not going to give myself a hard time.  Let's take a look at how far I've come shall we.

December 2010 (at my heaviest):                                   April 2011 (taken yesterday):

And as promised here's the rewards I've earned so far:

5 lbs. Reward - Red Lipstick:

I love wearing it!  It makes me feel fancy.

10 lbs. Reward - Jewelry from Burlington:

Love these earrings and cocktail ring.

15 lbs. Reward - New Pair of Shoes:

 How cute are these shoes!

20 lbs. Reward - Pouch for iPhone:

From a Jolly Little Purse @  Love this little wallet.  It's stylish and handy.  It's great for carrying all the basic purse necessities and my iPhone when I go out for a walk or a quick grocery trip.

    I'm so proud of myself for working hard enough to earn these rewards.  I'm only .5 lbs. away from earning Music on iTunes.  Who-RAH!  My Weight Loss Chart has taken on a life of its own.


  1. Jenny! I'm so impressed! You're awesome! I am currently trying to get myself down to 140 and it's seriously hard work!!!

  2. You LOOK amazing! :) Good job you!!!! Who-RAH!
