Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

3/4 Cup = 210 Calories

Pollo a la Crema

Leftovers from last night.  Still sooooo yummy.
Did you know that, if you ask, you can get the chips and salsa home too?  AMAZING!
Total Calories for dinner:  255.5

PB & J

And 1/2 cup of Organic Applesauce, sprinkled with cinnamon.
Total Calories:  480.63

Ezekial Cinnamon Raisin Cereal

220.81 Total Calories w/ 2% Milk

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pollo a la Crema

I'm playing the "I had a migraine for most of the day and didn't feel up to making dinner" card.
That and I have been craving Mexican food since I watched a show and they were eating some and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.
We ended up going to a place called El Chapala in Historic Kennewick.  Really good food.
We had some chips.  I barley dip mine in salsa for it to even really be there so I'm not counting the calories for that.  Really good salsa, but I'm a pansy and can't handle the spice.
For about 2 oz. = 260 Calories
I went with something out of my comfort zone (I tend to stick with familiars like Enchiladas and Chimichangas.) and got the Pollo a la Crema.  Really Yummy.  The sauce is basically cream cheese with some added spices. 
I only ended up eating half the plate so my total calories (if it's anything like Azteca) is:

Ezekial Cinnamon Raisin Cereal

1/2 Cup w/ 1/4 cup of 2% Milk
Total Calories:  220.81

FiberOne Oats & Chocolate Bar

140 Calories

Honey Nut Cheerios

W/ 1/3 cup 2% Milk
Total Calories:  187.9

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Raw Food Brownie

102 Calories

Pot Roast

W/ Potatoes, Carrots, and California Sourdough from a local bakery w/ butter.
Total Dinner Calories:  717
Whew!  So worth it though.  I haven't had Pot Roast in soooooo long.  Or Sourdough bread for that matter.

Kettle Corn

3 Cups = 120 Calories

FiberOne Caramel Delights cereal

220.95 Calories w/ Milk 2%

Monday, June 21, 2010


I decided to redeem myself and got on the treadmill for an hour on 3.5 mph.

Giving me a total of 366 Calories burned.

Ice Cream and Cookies

A little more specifically:
1/2 cup Slow-churned cookies & cream ice cream
2 Fudge Sticks
2 Fudge Mints
Total Calories:  383.38
Like I said before, it was a hard day.

Zip's Double Cheeseburger and fries

Today was kind of a rough day.  I've had a headache since Thursday or Friday and I've really had no motivation to make dinner.  Yesterday was a big deal with just making the lasagna.  Hopefully, this will clear up soon.  For today though, my wonderful hubby let me off the hook and we went for Zip's Drive-In.  And in spirit of it being the first day of Summer, we ate our meal in a park.  It actually felt really good to be outside.  That might be what I've been missing.
Anyway, here's my meal at a total of 593 (approx.) calories.

Odwalla Bar

210 Calories

Salad and Carrots

Total Calories:  119

Weekly Weigh-In

I'm making Mondays my weekly weigh-in day.

I wasn't sure if I was going to share my weight, but in the spirit of full disclosure and giving myself accountability, here it goes:


This means that I actually lost 2.5 pounds in the last week.  Yay me!

FiberOne Caramel Delights cereal

With 1/3 cup of 2% Milk.
Total Calories:  220.95

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I ate a whole myself, cuz that's how I roll.
87.5 Calories