Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FiberOne Oats & Chocolate Bar

140 Calories

Grilled Chicken Sandwich and Potato Salad

Approx. 445 Calories

Protein Bar

190 Calories

Black Bean Soup

Health Valley Organics (No Salt Added, though I may have) Black Bean Soup w/ multigrain tortilla chips.
196.52 Calories

Egg English Muffin Sandwich

On our honeymoon, Ty and I bought an Egg & Muffin Toaster as a gift for my really good friend, who did my hair for my wedding.  Unfortunately, the next time I saw her she was getting ready to go on her mission.  So, the gift was stored, forgotten, and left unused.  This morning, I had a nudging desire for and egg sandwich.  I remember that we still had this lovely toaster tucked away in our pantry.  Feeling a slight bit guilty, I pulled it out and beheld the glory of the egg and muffin toaster.  What on earth was keeping me from opening and delving into this awesome contraption?!  The world may never know.  What's really funny is the other day I used our toaster and was thinking that we really should get a newer one (or my true desire is to someday replace it with a toaster over.  MULTIFUNCTIONAL!!).  Then I open up this beauty and life is good once again.

Anyway, let's stay on subject here people.

Egg & English Muffin Sandwich
190 Calories

Question:  Why did the English decide to forgo the lovely poofed muffin tops?  I, personally, am a HUGE fan.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bunny Tracks Ice Cream

190 Calories

Pasta Roni w/ Chicken

466.7 Calories

Sandwhich and Yogurt

349.97 Calories

FiberOne Oats & Chocolate Bar

I had two.  280 Calories.

Gala Apple

80 Calories

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today @:  157.5 lbs.

Weight gain of:  3.5 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  5.5 lbs.

I didn't gain as much as I thought I had, which is awesome, but now it's time to get rid of it all.  Go time.

Have Mercy

Epic Fail......epic, miserable fail.

Let's just say keeping track of food over the reunion was a bust, though I did take good pictures.

For entertainment purposes here's a "taste" (you like what I did there) of what I ate during those good times.

Suffice it to say, I ate quite nicely.  Healthy, not really.

I've sort of gone off the radar and haven't been keeping track as of late and I hope to rectify this immediately.  Tuesdays are the new weigh-in day and I will be taking extra caution to not fall of the wagon.  I do, however, have "away-from-home" days already planned and I can't guarantee that they will be healthy, but I will but taking pictures.  Do you believe me when I say, I actually missed it?  I definitely felt better and I'm ready to get back to that again. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dessert from last night

1 Robbins Cookie
166 Calories

Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich
367 Calories

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Make-shift foil dinner

It's not really a foil dinner, but the idea is the same.
7 UP Chicken, Baked veggies, and yummy pasta salad (as you can see, I went back for more).
465.69 Calories (approx.)

FiberOne Oats & Chocolate Bar

140 Calories

I was really busy today getting ready for this next reunion so I kinda forgot to grab myself something to eat.  Before we left, I decided I need to grab one of these to have at least something in my system.

Monday, July 26, 2010

FiberOne Oats & Chocolate Bar

140 Calories

Pasta Roni Shells & White Cheddar

290 Calories

Protein Bar

180 Calories

Penne w/ Sausage, Red Potatoes, and Green Beans

428 Calories

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today @:  154 lbs.

Weight loss for the week:  1.5 lbs. Yay!!

Total Weight Loss:  9 lbs.

Let get excited!!!  I know I am!  Haha.  Just in time for another family reunion this week.  However, I think I still might be okay.  I'm going to try to keep track of calories as best I can and stay active to counter any deliciously sinful foods that come my way.  Having said that, don't be surprised if you see some cheating action going down.  It's a family reunion and I've got the rest of the summer to loose weight.

Renunion Continued....

It's official.  Reunions make me slack.  Haha.  Or at least this one did.

Yesterday was kind of a weird day.  I slept in pretty late (which is a rarity) so I didn't eat breakfast.  Then, we went to church which starts at 12:30 so we didn't end up eating until like 4:00 or something.  (*We LDS folk have church for three hours so we didn't get out until 3:30.  I'm surprised my tummy didn't explode.)
We had leftovers from the day before, but there wasn't much left.  
I only ate about 1/3 of the meat.  It was cold and smoked and I'm just not a big fan of smoked foods.  I did however, go back for more of that Blueberry (at least I think it was) jello.  Haha.  My niece and nephew were handing out the orange juice like crazy so I took it to be nice and had a few sips, but dumped out the rest.  Not really my favorite.

Instead, I had a few cookies to help my hunger pains.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as hungry as I thought I would be.  Oh well.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Justesen Family Reunion

What was I thinking that I could count calories during my family reunion?  Have I lost my mind.  Must have.

To kind of sum up what I had yesterday:
Here's lunch/dinner (we got started pretty late).

I confess to a small handful of this:

Robbins Cookie:

2 Snickerdoodles:

Have you ever had Cornflake Candy?  I don't know if my Grandma came up with it or if she got it from someone else, but it is sooooooooooooooooo good!  I had like 6 of these things.

To make up for it though I burned some calories holding this guy.
(Don't be fooled my his adorable facade.  Underneath lies a teething baby.  Okay, he's still pretty stinkin' cute!)

I also did some chasing after my nephew since I'm the crazy aunt who does stuff like that.  :)  
All-in-all, I'd say that I definitely over did it with the sweets, but I don't feel too horrible considering the occasion.