Wednesday, October 5, 2011

End Scene

     So in case you haven't notice, I haven't really been blogging anything about meals or exercise in quite some time.  I hate to say that I gave up, but essentially that's what I did.  At least during pregnancy.  I just put so much pressure on myself and really, I'm doing okay.  I wish I had more energy right now because the idea of making meals most days is just tiring.  Other than that, I feel mentally good.  At some point, this blog will come back into play.  I still want to reach the best weight possible for myself and I think, after the baby is born and some time has passed, I'll get back into the swing of things.  I still have goals for my health and weight.  With pregnancy and soon-to-be new baby those goals will have to move to a lower spot on my priority list.  However, the won't be lost and gone forever.  They'll return, but only when I feel the most ready.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday the 12th

Breakfast - Organic Flax Cereal w/ Milk

Lunch - Open faces PB&J, Multigrain Tortilla Chips, & a Tangelo

Dinner - Brown Sugar Muffins w/ Syrup. I got really distracted w/ phone calls and when I was finished it was so late. When I sat on the couch, I realized how tired I was and almost fell asleep. Luckily, Ty is an amazing husband and made these for dinner. Though, they may not be healthy they were certainly MUCH appreciated.

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Location:Carrier Rd,Richland,United States

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday the 11th

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs w/ Cheese, Gala Apple & Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter

Lunch - Turkey Sandwich (Orowheat Whole Grain & Flax Bread, Mayo, Mustard, & Turkey) put in a sandwich maker to heat the turkey, Almonds, & Fiber One Brownie

Dinner - Spaghetti & Buttered Bread

Snack - Granola Bar

Water - 2 (and a little bit) Liters

Another Round

     Since loosing the rest of my weight and getting pregnant, I've been absent from this blog a long time.  I must confess I've missed it a little.  Something I had thought about for awhile before I met my goal, was to continue taking pictures of food and keep up the accountability so I could stay on track.  Before getting pregnant, I thought I would take a few months to maintain my goal weight and then readjust to my goals so that I could lose another 15 pounds and for once in my life be at my ideal weight for my height.  Well, of course, plans certainly changed rather quickly considering loosing weight wasn't an option.  During, my first trimester I experienced morning sickness and that helped keep the weight gain at bay.  Once it was over, though, the weight has slowly crept back on.  Don't think I'm trying to stop it.  I fully understand that I need to gain weight to keep myself and my baby happy and healthy.  My biggest concern is with what I'm eating and eating too much and gaining weight too quickly so that it's above and beyond the healthy amount. I think that when pregnant women are told they shouldn't diet, they should instead be told, "Don't diet to lose weight, diet to stay healthy."  Some might need further clarification, but I think that takes the voodoo out of the word "dieting".  I want to pregnancy diet, not trim-the-fat diet.

     So here's my plan:

-  Take a picture of everything I consume.

-  Post pictures on the Diet Blog for every day.*

-  On Monday thru Friday do Yoga routine from Yoga DVD.  Saturday and Sunday go for walks.  Two miles the second trimester and one to one and a half miles the third.  Might do more weight lifting and calisthenics as desired and needed.

-  Keep track of calories on My Daily Plate.  I've already adjusted the calories to 300 more than I would need to maintain my goal weight and in my third trimester I'll readjust it to 500 more.**

     I don't plan on doing any particular diet, but I would LOVE and appreciate any recipes you might want to share that are especially good and healthy during pregnancy.  After listening to a podcast on Pregtastic, which I highly recommend by the way, with the author of "I'm Pregnant, Now What Do I Eat", I'm considering going to Barnes and Noble and picking up a copy.  It starts with great information about having a good diet during pregnancy and then also gives recipes.  The author, is an OBGYN, teamed up with her chef hubby and put together recipes that are packed with pregnancy super foods.

     I already started taking pictures today, and it feels very natural and I'm excited to give myself that accountability again, since I haven't been doing to well as of late.  Encouragement and words of wisdom are welcome.  Remember, I'm new to this and will probably make mistakes, but that's how we learn.

* Before, I was doing posts by meal.  This time I'll be posting by day.  Also, I won't be posting the calories and I'm still not sure I want to post my weigh-ins, but I'm considering it.

** As far as I have been able to gather, this is the most appropriate way to add calories to your diet.  If you have facts that suggest otherwise, please share.  :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Final Weigh In

Weighing in today @:  128.5 lbs.

Weight Loss for the Week:  3 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  41.5 lbs.

    I believe the appropriate response to this is BOO-YA!!!!!  I made it!  What's really funny is the Dora "We did it" song has been playing on repeat in my head.  :)  Not sure why since I've only seen bits and pieces of that show, but regardless, it's totally appropriate.  Can you believe it?!  I finally reached my goal.  Excuse me, not just reached it, I surpassed it!  What an amazing feeling?  

    In honor of the momentous occasion, I wanted take a little trip down memory lane  and show you how I saw my continual progress on the chart I colored in every week.

And now for the final entry mark:

    I actually had to sort of draw above the chart because I hadn't planned for this.  Incredible!  Now I bet you'd like to see what I look like don't you?

    I'm not sure you can see a HUGE difference between the second and third picture, but the first and last are astounding.  I can't believe how chubby I was!  Okay, I can believe it, but it's still amazing that I let myself get to a place where I looked like that.  I will tell you I'm thrilled to go clothes shopping.  Except for a few shirts I kept around (because I was in denial that they wouldn't fit me or because I planned on loosing the weight "really soon") from before the weight gain, nothing fits me.  In fact the skirt in that last picture is practically falling off.  There are some jeans that fit when I first weighed in (again) at 135 and they are a bit baggy.  Even the leggings I have are sagging.  Basically, I NEED new clothes.  However, so as not to bust the bank, I plan on getting thrifty and hitting places like Value Village first to see if I can find some steal items.  Mostly right now, I'd just like to find some shorts and pants.  The shorts I have from last year look ridiculous on me.  I could wear a belt, but when I do it bunches where the button and zipper are and that's just not attractive or appealing.  Another item on my list is a dress.  The one I wore at Easter:
now sags horribly on me.

    I feel so good and I'm so proud of myself for all the really hard work I've put in.  If I could give any kind of advice, it would be do this only when you are ready.  And by ready, I mean mentally ready.  Once you have mentally geared yourself up for this, then prepare yourself by getting the tools you'll need.  Stock up on food, come up with a workout routine(s), surround yourself with positive people, and keep yourself accountable.  One of the best things I did was calling myself out by opening up on this blog.  It's been sort of intimidating letting you all in and sharing my diet and workouts, but it's helped me immensely.  

    Now that I've said that, you probably won't see me on here for awhile as I plan on taking a bit of a sabbatical.  My goal is to maintain through July and then go from there.  July is reunion season for us and I don't want to be sooo focused on what I'm eating that I'm not taking the time to enjoy spending time with family.  Also, I kind of need a break from this crazy thing I've been doing for the last 5 1/2 months.  I'm tired and worn out and would like to recharge my batteries with a little Summer fun.  That's not to say I still don't plan on being smart.  I'll still be eating the same kind of meals, well maybe a few more fun ones, but for the most part it will be the same.  In fact, Ty has requested that it be so.  :)  Apparently, he likes it when his wife routinely cooks meals and when there is a plan for dinner so he doesn't have to ask (or if he does I can actually tell him).  So dear friends and family, I love you all and thank you for the amazing support and encouragement you've all given me.  Y'all are da best!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today (actually yesterday) @:  131.5 lbs.

Weight loss for the week:  2 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  38.5 lbs.

Weight left to loose to make goal:  1.5 lbs. !!!!!!!!!

    Hi dear friends.  I'm sure you're all wondering where last week's meals and workouts are.  Well, I definitely logged them and took pictures, but I wasn't feeling well for the better part of last week and by Friday, the scale was showing how EXTREMELY close to by goal I was.  However, I felt better by the weekend, just in time for us to head up to Seattle to visit with family and go to my friend's wedding.  Logging calories for the wedding was impossible and I sorta just left it as it is.  So, I won't be posting anything from last week, but hey I'm still ridiculously close to my goal!!!!!  With the way things are going, I should reach it by next Monday.  Holy Moly.  I'm definitely looking forward to it.  Though I will say, Ty has requested that I still keep up with my meal plan and after a weekend of binging I quite agree.  You don't notice it until you are eating bad for you foods, but I definitely felt better eating healthier and watching my calories.  Or at least not eating junk every time I'm hungry.  It's possible I won't post any meals or workouts this week either as I'm kinda worn out, but I'll definitely be keeping up with logging my calories and I'll let you know how it turns out next week.  Thanks everyone for your encouragement!  Y'all are the bestest.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today @:  133.5 lbs.

Weight Loss for the Week:  1.5 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  36.5 lbs.

Weight left to loose to make goal:  3.5 lbs.

    Oh what a week.  Can you believe that it's June already????  It took me a little bit to weigh myself this morning because it was sooooo warm and that made my weight appear 135 on the scale.  I weighed again after a little cooling off period and it showed this.  I like that much better.  :)  It's crazy to think I really don't have much left to loose.  I will say that I think you'll be seeing less running workouts.  They've just been killing my legs and I need a bit of a break from that.  Instead, I'll be walking about 5 miles on those days.  Hopefully, it won't reflect too badly on my weight loss.  We shall see.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Skinny Cow Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Sandwich

160 Calories

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50 Calories

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Quaker Bar

Everyone was enjoying yummy HIGH calorie treats and I was jealous, so my mom gave me this.

90 Calories

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Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, & Corn

392 Calories

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