Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Weigh-In & Week 16 Pictures

Weighing In Today:  128.7 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  1.2 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  32.6 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  8.7 lbs.

      Another week down, another pound lost.  Something I didn't say last week, that really needs mentioning, I officially lost all of my pregnancy weight.  Can you believe it?!  Only took me 2 years.  Haha.  You know, I was thinking about it yesterday.  It may have taken me a while to get there, but putting in all this work that I've been doing took a lot of mental preparation.  I'm an all or nothing sort of personality.  I couldn't do this halfway.  And now I'm on my way to my ideal weight.  A place I've never been before.  I'm so happy with how far I've come.  I'm kinda awesome.  ;)

Week 1


Week 8

Week 12

Week 16

      It's crazy looking back at all the pictures.  Especially comparing the first week to this one.  Holy bloated-pregnant-looking belly Batman!!  Also, it's crazy how much less junk in my trunk there is.  Even compared to last month.  This swimsuit has a lot of extra material goin' on.  Haha.  Ty's encouraged me to get a new, better fitting swimsuit for the finale.  It's funny.  I bought this swimsuit, thinking it was figure flattering because of the tummy tucking it was supposed to be doing.  Looking at myself in these pictures I realize it REALLY isn't.  Haha.  I still don't ever plan on wearing a bikini because of modesty reasons (that and the stretch marks on my belly from pregnancy have made it all wrinkly), but man I feel like I'm getting close to a point that one wouldn't look hideous on me.  I'm getting more and more excited for Summer and reunions and family pictures.  I finally feel a little more confident in how I look and don't feel like I have to shy away from things.  That right there is the best accomplishment of this whole journey thus far.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  129.9 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:   .7 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  31.4 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  9.9 lbs.

      Not an incredible amount of weight loss, but what can you expect after last week's jaw dropping amount.  Haha.  Plus, with Easter and a certain time being this last week, I wasn't expecting anything near the same result as last time.  Either way, I get a reward!!!  Huzzah!  And this one is going to be so good and well deserved, I'd say.  A MASSAGE!!  I've been waiting the entire process for this one.  I'm not sure when exactly it will happen since Ty will be going out of town this week for his brother's wedding, but we'll see.  I still need to post about my latest rewards that I procured.  Hopefully, I'll get to that this week.  I also, need to buy some new underhosen.....nothing fits.  It's ridiculous and hilarious.  It's pretty fun to see just how much I've lost that way, but I really need things that fit. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  130.6 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:   3.4 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  30.7 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  10.6 lbs.

      Hold the phone?  Is that really what my scale said?!  You better believe it.  I had to weigh myself twice to make sure the scale didn't have a malfunction.  I was seriously expecting a 1 to 1.5 pound loss.  Not double that!  I'll take it.  :)  The beginning of the week was kind of a rough start.  No matter how much protein I would get in a day, I would still be hungry.  On top of that I was still having issues with feeling bloated and constipated once again.  It seemed like I would try something, it would work for a little bit and then stop and I'd be right back to where I started.  It didn't make feel to great about the way I looked either.  I would honestly feel like I looked like the way I did before starting to lose weight.  How disappointing, right?  I asked my father-in-law to do some muscle testing for me.  As I had assumed, I wasn't assimilating protein like I should and we were able to clear the problem.  He tested that I needed to be eating figs to help with the bloating and constipated issue.  Since then, both problems are gone and I'm doing much better.  I don't care what anyone says, muscle testing is life saving.  I had a pretty successful weekend of shopping for Easter dresses and I'm counting that as one of my rewards because it was the first time since starting this that I really felt skinny and that is a great reward.  I'll post about it all later. For now, I'm just so happy with how far I've come and plan to celebrate with some working out so I can keep getting closer to my goal weight.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  134 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  1.5 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  27.3 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  14 lbs.

      I'm getting so close!!!  And I'm making awesome progress.  You may have noticed a little change in the area of "Weight Left to Make Goal".  This is because I've decided to make my goal weight 120 instead of 115.  It's something that's been on my mind lately and I really feel like this is the best decision.  Sure, it's only 5 lbs., but I think 120 is really more my ideal weight anyway.  If I get to 115, that would be cool, but I'm not putting that pressure on myself.  This is the direction I'm comfortable with and I think it will all work out great.  Can you believe I've already lost this much?!  I'm so proud of myself for my accomplishments and really look forward to the ones to come. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Small Victories

      I forgot to mention in my weigh-in post that over the weekend, on our anniversary, we decided to do a little shopping at ROSS since we were sans Anna and that basically never happens.  I had just bought a bunch of shirts at Savers for dirt cheap so I didn't need much.  However, I did need another pair of pants since I was wearing the only ones that fit me.  I had two other pairs of size 12's, but they were fitting baggy on me.  The pair I've been wearing are from Maurices and are sized like men's pants so I'm not sure what they would be in women's.  Well, at least I didn't.  Thinking I was still in size 12 (I'm at the weight I was in high school and that's what I wore then) I tried on a pair of jeans in that size.  Most anything I try on is long on me, but these were also really baggy.  Weird.  I decided to go for it since we had the time and tried on a size 10 pair.  Yes, they were long and needed to be rolled up (curse of being short), but they fit perfectly in every other aspect.  Huzzah!!!  The last time I was able to wear size 10 was when I was pregnant and they were maternity pants.