Sunday, July 25, 2010

Justesen Family Reunion

What was I thinking that I could count calories during my family reunion?  Have I lost my mind.  Must have.

To kind of sum up what I had yesterday:
Here's lunch/dinner (we got started pretty late).

I confess to a small handful of this:

Robbins Cookie:

2 Snickerdoodles:

Have you ever had Cornflake Candy?  I don't know if my Grandma came up with it or if she got it from someone else, but it is sooooooooooooooooo good!  I had like 6 of these things.

To make up for it though I burned some calories holding this guy.
(Don't be fooled my his adorable facade.  Underneath lies a teething baby.  Okay, he's still pretty stinkin' cute!)

I also did some chasing after my nephew since I'm the crazy aunt who does stuff like that.  :)  
All-in-all, I'd say that I definitely over did it with the sweets, but I don't feel too horrible considering the occasion.

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