Monday, July 26, 2010

Renunion Continued....

It's official.  Reunions make me slack.  Haha.  Or at least this one did.

Yesterday was kind of a weird day.  I slept in pretty late (which is a rarity) so I didn't eat breakfast.  Then, we went to church which starts at 12:30 so we didn't end up eating until like 4:00 or something.  (*We LDS folk have church for three hours so we didn't get out until 3:30.  I'm surprised my tummy didn't explode.)
We had leftovers from the day before, but there wasn't much left.  
I only ate about 1/3 of the meat.  It was cold and smoked and I'm just not a big fan of smoked foods.  I did however, go back for more of that Blueberry (at least I think it was) jello.  Haha.  My niece and nephew were handing out the orange juice like crazy so I took it to be nice and had a few sips, but dumped out the rest.  Not really my favorite.

Instead, I had a few cookies to help my hunger pains.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as hungry as I thought I would be.  Oh well.

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