Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Weighing in today @:  154.5 lbs.

Weight Loss for the week:  3 lbs.

Total Weight Loss:  15.5 lbs.

    It's time for my next reward!  A new pair of shoes!  I've been dying to get some flats and I'm so proud of myself for earning them.  The hard work and dedication paid off and definitely made up for last week.  Another awesome part of all this loosing weight is that I was able to fit into jeans I haven't been able to wear in about a year and a half.  I'm looking forward to seeing what other pairs of jeans I have stored in my closet will fit like.  What's EVEN BETTER:  I'm only 4.5 lbs. away from the halfway point of my weight loss goal.  Schaweet!

(*I decided to only take my measurements once a month since I didn't see too much of a change this week.  I'm really not sure how much they'll be able to change either.  When I measured for the chest [under the breasts] it's right up on my ribs.  My ribs aren't going anywhere, so I think it might stay the same.)

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