Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  121.4 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  .7 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  39.9 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  1.4 lbs.

      Well, I'll admit that I was hoping this was my last weigh-in for this round of losing weight.  Haha. I should have known!!  I'm proud of this week's weight loss, but I'll admit I was really hoping for a lot more.  I'm ready to break a little and be in maintenance mode.  It's so exciting and frustrating at the same time, to be this close to my goal.  I'm excited that only have such a small amount to lose, but frustrated because it's harder to lose weight the closer you are to your goal weight.  That's okay.  Just gotta keep truckin'.  This week has been a good time for reflection on my progress and really taking in my new figure.  It's still weird for me.  Do you remember the latest Biggest Loser, Rachel Frederickson?  Everyone was so concerned about her extreme weight loss.  I was one of those.  Now, however, I get it.  You build up momentum and even if you are reaching your weight goals, you're body doesn't necessarily match up to the image you have in your mind. It's easy to think that if you just lose more weight, you'll eventually get there, but it takes more than that and really that's not the healthy way to go.  (***I also think she was just trying to win a competition, not be unhealthy, and did everything she could think of to make that more of a guarantee.***)  I don't have any plans to lose more weight past 120 lbs.  I think that's the right weight for me and I'd like to maintain that for as long as I'm able, while still striving to build muscle and lose fat.  Right now, my focus is mainly weight loss so of course that focus will shift after I reach my goal. 

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