Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  127.3 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  1.4 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  34 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  7.3 lbs.

      Huzzah! What an awesome result this week! I'm definitely happy with the progress I'm making. I have less than 10 pounds to my goal weight.  How cool is that?! I still can't believe I'm so close.  With my last weigh-in being one where I took new pictures and measurements, I've been reflecting a lot on the past four months.  Yeah, four months.  So weird.  My body has changed significantly and really so has my quality of life.  To think that only 6 months ago, I had just had surgery for the most awful thing I could imagine and barely able to walk afterward.  Now, I'm running for almost an hour straight! Ty actually found a few articles and realized he wasn't working out the way he really should and started doing the C25K on my recommendation.  I'm excited for him to see the benefits I did.  We're both looking forward to the warmer weather and taking advantage of outside activities with Anna.  I'll share more on all that later.

      I had a friend of mine ask me this week, after not seeing me for a few weeks, what my weight loss secret was.  The truth is:  THERE IS NO SECRET.  It's all just hard work and making it a habit.  Figure out what motivates you and then at some point, even that won't matter because you'll just be used to doing it.  And even if you still have to keep up the motivation, like myself, you'll realize that your motivation will change as you change.  I started out needing to earn rewards.  And while I still like getting them, they aren't as big of a deal.  Also, it gets expensive.  My motivation is actually some of the initial reasons I started doing this in the first place.  To not be afraid of having my picture taken because I'm confident about how I look, to be able to live better for Anna, and look smokin' hot in a dress.  I'm definitely accomplishing my goals.  What an amazing feeling!

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