Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in & Week 12 Pictures

Weighing In Today:  135.5 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  .9 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  25.8 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  20.5 lbs.

      This morning, when I first weighed in, it had the showed the same weight that I was last week.  Um, no.  I know we had a fun weekend for our anniversary, but I was pretty good.  I got back on and it gave a better answer.  Haha.  I can't believe this is week 12! Three months have officially passed and I'm looking pretty good if I do say so myself.  :)  People are definitely noticing too.  My mother-in-law is in town to help out with my niece and nephews while my sister-in-law is in the hospital.  We went over there yesterday to bring dinner and she was so surprised to see how thin I look.  She hasn't seen me since Thanksgiving so that's definitely a big difference.  Let's take a look, shall we?

Week 1

Week 4

 Week 8

Week 12

      After taking these pictures last night, Ty asked me if the swimsuit even still fit anymore.  It's the kind that's supposed to be tummy tucking, so it fit fine there, but it was a bit baggy in the chest and bum.  Huzzah!  Hopefully, the next time I do pictures I'll have to find a whole new swimsuit.  Also, can I just say, that I have no idea what to do with my arms in these pictures.  Haha.  I never know if I just have them back far enough to see the belly or forward enough to see the belly.  Oh well.  Hopefully, you'll get the idea.  So, on kind of a downer note, a couple of people who have congratulated me on my progress, have also said that I shouldn't lose anymore.  Personally, I would like to get  lose at least 10 to 15 more.  Right now, I'm still at the top of the healthy BMI range for my height.  It's great to be in normal, healthy range and I'd like to be comfortably situated within it.  Am I so weird to want to be my best self and to get frustrated when people tell me not to lose any more weight?  Maybe, but I'm not a stick and I don't really like it when they go about it like I'm endanger of going too far.  What do you guys think?  Am I overthinking this?  Whatever.  I'm just doing what I think works for me.  Haha.  I have to live in this body right?  So I might as well enjoy it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

145 Weight Reward: Necklace & Earrings

      This one made me very happy.  One, because I love pretty jewelry and two, because I got an awesome deal.  I met this goal and wasn't sure where I would find what I was looking for.  I wanted a necklace and earrings that matched, but I wanted them to be simple.  Big, flashy jewelry doesn't exactly fit in with my lifestyle.  :)  Many years ago, Ty introduced me to a site called and it's expanded since then to a few different categories, but still only selling one thing a day.  On the accessories and jewelry site they had some lovely pieces and I knew right away which ones I wanted.  It only cost about $20!!  I think they are so pretty and a perfect reward for getting to 145.

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  136.4 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  2.2 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  24.9 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  21.4 lbs.

      Woot!  Guys, I'm FINALLY in normal BMI range! Huzzah! I'm so excited.  This week has been interesting for my workouts.  The Bikini Body Mommy workouts have been good, but not enough for me.  I added doing Wii Fit Run for 30 minutes, however, once you lose enough weight, doing the same exercise doesn't burn the same amount of calories.  Which means, I needed to start working harder.  I decided to add Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred on my strength training days.  My C25K always increases my running time and so I wasn't worried about that.  I still really like the Bikini Body Mommy workouts.  They can definitely work me.  (Four minute walking lunges KILL.)  However, they just aren't long enough to make me feel like I'm pushing my body to get where it can go.  The workouts themselves are only about 8 to 20 minutes total.  I do think that it will be a great program for after pregnancy to work back into getting back in shape.  Obviously, I didn't do too much of any working out after Anna was born.  Mostly because you can't really find any workout programs that a good for recovering mommies that don't take a long time.  Even half an hour seems like a long time when you have to feed your infant every few hours.

      Anyway, to get back on track, I'm very happy with how well my weight loss has been going.  Remember when I talked about my rewards and not being sure what to do for my 140 lbs. reward?  Well, after talking with a few people who have gone in early to the Aquarium, I'm going to put that on the back burner for a bit and just move up the other rewards.  The Aquarium opens on the 25th, but there is still a lot that is unfinished.  I'd rather wait until it's fully completed.  So stay tuned for the next couple of rewards to get posted.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  138.6 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  .9 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  22.7 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  23.6 lbs.

      Not to surprising considering the mega weight loss from last week.  I'm not too troubled by it.  After all, I'm still about half way to my goal.  This last weekend was kinda crazy so I'm looking forward to another week of hitting it hard and losing more weight.  It's St. Patrick's Day and I love to celebrate with some Shepherd's Pie and a treat.  I still plan on it, but my portions will be scaled back and I'll also be making sure I've worked out enough to cover my bases.  Really, my main goal for the week is to get more sleep.  Ty and I both haven't been sleeping well and waking up too early.  It's awful and I'm exhausted all day.  With today being laundry day I doubt I'll get much rest.  Ugh. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in

Weighing In Today:  139.5 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  3.6 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  21.8 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  24.5 lbs.

      Say WHA????  When I saw my newest weight on the scale this morning, that's what I kept thinking over and over.  "What? What?....What?"  I mean don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining by any means, I'm just really surprised.  I did get my hair cut for Locks of Love on Saturday and it was a good 10 inches of hair that is now missing from my scalp.  How much does hair weigh? I'm sticking with my goal to only weigh myself once a week, but I was really tempted to weigh myself before and after the haircut.  Haha.  I should have brought a scale with me to see how much that chunk of hair weighed.  Not that that's where all of my weight loss came from.  I, obviously, did a lot of work this week.  It's possible that I underestimated the intensity of my Bikini Body Mommy workouts. I counted them as light/moderate, but they were kinda intense this week.  I'm just never sure where to gauge that, ya know?  Oh well.  I'm not going to over-analyze this anymore.  It is what it is and it's awesome, so there you have it.  :)

      The really crazy part about all of this is that I just earned a reward last week and earned another one this week.  Okay!! I like rewards.  :)  This one is tricky because I had originally planned to get music added to my iTunes, but I needed to get music for doing my running.  Then, I decided to replace the music with a family trip to the Aquarium that's about to open up really close to us.  Well, it'll open in a couple of weeks, but I debating switching the Aquarium reward with the next reward, which is to get a new purse.  I will probably reach the next goal by the time the Aquarium opens or shortly after and we probably don't want to go right when it opens anyway.   What do you guys think?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in & Week 8 Pictures

Weighing In Today:  143.1 lbs.
Weight Loss for the Week:  1.9 lbs.
Total Weight Loss:  18.2 lbs.
Weight Left to Make Goal:  28.1 lbs.

      Wahoo! Another two (basically) pounds bites the dust.  Definitely makes me feel better.  I'm just about over this cold and that is another thing for me to celebrate.  I'm feeling so great right now.  My progress is just kind of awesome and my body is looking pretty dang good.  The bloating is dying down as I've been taking action against it.  Probiotics are definitely a good key to this, but I've been eating 1-2 Tbsp. of Sauerkraut a day to help keep my digestive system in gear.  There are a lot of natural probiotics like sauerkraut that you can take, like yogurt, but this is just much more effective and I actually don't mind it like a lot of people do.  I guess that's the German in me.  Haha.  If you are having a similar issue, I highly recommend giving this a try.  Your body will thank you.  All of us women know that bloating can affect weight and the way our body looks.  This has been something I've been dealing with even when I'm not experiencing lady time and let me tell you, it's not awesome.

      Anyway, enough of that! How about some pictures and measurements!

Week 1


Week 8

      Okay, I'm still not totally in love with how I look in a bathing suit, but I for dang sure look way better than I used to!  It is so motivating to see this progress and know that I'm doing so well.  And let's just talk about those measurements for a second.  I mean come on!!  This round definitely beats the last one for sure.  I'm so proud of myself and I love the confidence I'm building in myself.  I no longer go to the gym and freak out if someone else is there because I know I can hold my own.  Playing with Anna is easier and I don't feel, literally, weighed down by my body.  Saturday we went to the park and I needed to grab something from the car.  I ran.  And didn't die! It was awesome. This is making me a better person.  A better wife.  A better mother.  I can't wait to see what the next 4 weeks bring.